Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tichy' Photo Exhibit in Prague

never heard of him before . . . the prague post review filled us with trepedation . . . but we went anyway . . .
he has Some fig leaf of artistic integrity . . . I liked in the short film they had, an interview of him, he said,

"I have no interest in Beauty...
 I have no interest in Feelings...
 I am only interested in MY imagination."

if you google him you will see many interesting things . . . words & pix . . .

Of the apparent quality of his photography Tichy says:
Photography is painting with light! The blurs, the spots, those are errors! But the errors are part of it, they give it poetry and turn it into painting. And for that you need as bad a camera as possible! If you want to be famous, you have to do whatever you're doing worse than anyone else in the whole world.
I think the official web site is here. I have read, and pass on to you, with no judgement, the idea that the other "official" web site is a rip-off, of which the artist Tichy' is critical. Tichy' is on ARTNET . . . tho' he gets not a kopek from the sale of his works.

Natcherly, since other people are in charge of his art now . . . they wouldn't let me take pictures of the photos . . . I got two before they stopped me -- courteously, I should say . . . but the ones I wanted were mostly in the back room after they had stopped me . . .

this is mostly how they look . . . in real life . . .they're small and require study . . . I think for the most part, the vagueness of the photos is what allows viewers' imaginations to run riot over the same ground that he covered . . . so. . . it ain't him, it's all of us . . . except for the children's (mlady) pictures . . . reminds me of Ralph Ginzberg . . . tsk, tsk, tsk.
One more, that I gleaned off the web . . .
this exhibit was in the Old Prague Town Hall, next to the clock Tower where all the tourists gather... never been in there before . . .amazing old building. . . if all I had to do was blog, I'd a taken pictures all over, of the walls, the doors, and the vistas. Given the nature of this exhibit, I have to include this one statue there on the stairwell, between 1 & 2 . . . 

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