Sunday, September 8, 2013

Gustavino, Florence

Mrs found from the Lonely Planet guide . . . Trip Advisor comments are mostly spot on . . . fabulous place with friendly knowledgeable staff . . . only thing, tho', you do not 'stumble' onto this place . . . it's just around the corner from the Galleria degli Uffizzi . . . 8^D . . . it is cozy, but not hidden, if you see how I mean . . . 

Mrs had from the daily menu Ricotta al forna Insalata e Pomodoro . . . this was some creamy good ricotta . . . 

I asked the waiter, Is Osso Buco Tuscan . . . he smiled with surprise and pleasure, ah yes, it IS tuscan, and ours is very good . . . yeh, I would go along with that . . . 

The bathrooms are in these blue-glass 'phone booths'

wine, wine, wine, everywhere, and only a carafe to drink . . . 8^(

Mrs also had the Pappardelle del Ragu di Carne . . . one of those cases where I have to remind Mrs her num-nums are disturbing the other patrons . . . 8^D

I ordered from the regular menu: Crespelle (crepese filled with ricotta & spinach) . . . it may seem precious or jejune to say it, but just lovely, lovely, lovely . . . 

we are simple folk, loving simple peasant food -- it helps if the peasant food is from Tuscany, if you see how I mean . . . 8^) . . . and we love a place with carafes available for still water and house wine . . .

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