Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I think, after racing thru the 7 stages of outrage, that I have been accessed (not to say victimized) by Philipino IT students practicing their web skills as a class project . . .

Quite by accident – I do not normally google myself – I have discovered two such instances, tho’ both are from 2006 . . .

The kids were probably even in the same class . . . 8^) . . .

If that is correct, I would hope that these 5th generation data processors were intrigued & entertained by my Memoirs from the 3rd Generation, and thus I would be gratified . . .


The web site is no longer up . . . I tho’t about reblogging it all again . . . it is so much trouble . . . if only I had an intern . . .


This one I found by googling one of my neologisms in an idle moment, pterymental


Memoirs of the 3rd Generation
"Perversity of inanimate objects" is a useful phrase I came across in the '70s, meaning for example, the life-like ability of car-keys to lose themselves.
Of course, computers are the ultimately perverse inanimate objects, notwithstanding HAL, TRON, DARYL, etc. The act of programming confers human like confusion upon the machines we call computers, but not actual animation.


This one I found by googling “Memoirs from the 3rd Generation”, since I had found the other . . .


Wait State -- Memoirs from the 3rd Generation

When the Director of our department at the large financial services company was fired, we had a little going away party for him, at a restaurant near the office. Because I was a friend and golf partner, and, I suspect, because everyone else was afraid to speak, lest they would be fired, too, I made a little speech . . . .


1 comment:

  1. Maybe the computers are perverse because they don't like to be anthropomorphized.
